Acquiring and Managing Premium Film and TV Music.

MMM acquires and manages catalogs of music rights of world leading Film and TV music, including master, publishing and composer rights. We offer a streamlined rapid evaluation and acquisition process allowing composers and media production companies to monetize their music assets.


What We Do

Why Us?

Expedited Evaluations
We pride ourselves on our agile team and straight forward rights acquisition process. With a proven track record of completed transactions we aim for a quick turnaround on deal appraisal, due diligence and completion.

Trusted Partnerships
We can acquire a 50% share in a catalog and manage the assets for the joint benefit of partners. We enhance both revenue and the value of catalogs through diligent administration review and sourcing additional exploitation opportunities. Our specialist royalty trackers, administrators and exploitation team have deep experience in working with Film/TV music and expertise in identifying both missing revenue and new avenues for the music. 

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